There are many funds to which members can contribute. These are all housed within the National AAUW organization.
AAUW Funds is the best way to provide general support for AAUW for charitable programs. Also, The Educational Opportunities Fund (EF) and Legal Advocacy Fund (LAF) are very good support opportunities. EF supports educational and lifelong learning opportunities for a lifetime of success. LAF support the protection of the rights of those who are facing discrimination.
In addition, the Grosse Pointe Branch has a long history of established funds dating back to 1974. In that year, we decided to fund our own American Fellowship through the Foundation. By 1990,we had contributed $80,000 toward it and it then became stipend producing. This fund, known as the Grosse Pointe, MI American Fellowship, is awarded annually to a graduate woman scholar who is a U. S. Citizen or permanent resident, allowing her to complete her doctoral dissertation, conduct post-doctoral research or complete her research for publication.
The Grosse Pointe, MI Research and Projects Grant began in 1978. This fund became stipend producing in 1984 when it reached $25,000. It is now awarded as a Career Development Grant to a woman who is studying to advance her career, change careers or re-enter the workforce.
In 1991, the branch made a commitment to the Grosse Pointe International Fellowship with an initial donation of $7,000. When it becomes stipend producing, it will be awarded annually to a female graduate student from a country outside the U. S. to study or conduct research at an accredited U. S. institution.
The totals, to date, in the funds above are as follows:
- Grosse Pointe American Fellowship — $109.984.00
- Grosse Pointe International Fellowship — $ 91,716.36
- Grosse Pointe Research and Projects Grant — $ 28,010.00
As a branch, we should be extremely proud of this long history of financial support, hard work and efforts to establish these important fellowships for students.
Questions regarding a donation to the above funds can be directed to Carolyn Barth, AAUW Grosse Pointe Funds Director at or 586-777-7173 (home) or 313-320-0808 (cell).